Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Show and Tell 5

    As we have discussed in class about China affecting the environment in multiple ways, such as carbon emissions and dumping waste into the ocean, today I will be talking about Island building. Island building is created by dredgers, which is a ship that is usually used for deepening maritime canals, but China is using them…

  • Week 14

    This week in class, we talked about China’s economy and how much it has increased over the years, and it has been doing well, even with the Stock Market crash of 2008, which I found very interesting since China’s economy is more involved than it was when the first Stock Market crashed in 1929. We…

  • No post this week

  • Show and Tell 4

    For my Show and Tell 4, I wanted to talk about President Richard Nixon going to China and trying to build a relationship with China. On February 28, 1972, President Richard Nixon visited China, becoming the first U.S. president since the communist revolution in 1949. The visit was a major diplomatic breakthrough, as the two…

  • No post this week

  • Week 11

    This week was short, but on Wednesday, I chose the pdf that talks about Lei Feng, a soldier whose diary shows him as a true devotee to Mao and socialism, and he was held up as a model for all to follow. He was a communist man who others should follow because he was selfless,…

  • Week 10

    On Wednesday, I had exploration two, which was relations with the USSR, and my group and I were given three pictures that we were changing the order that would appeal to the people better and also changed the meaning of the poster so that it would sound more appealing to the audience as well and…

  • Week 9

    Last week in class we learned about World War Two and the Civil War in China, and it was fascinating to learn about a different side of World War Two because we never got the chance to learn about the eastern part of World War Two. July 7th, 1937, can be considered the first battle…

  • Week 8

    Before Springbreak, everyone in class made a timeline from 1900 to 1940. Most of the changes in China started when the Manchu Government lost power in 1911. Then in 1917, the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, which was a social democratic group before power and became to be known as the Communist party. We also…

  • Week 7

    This week in class we learned about the end of the Qing dynasty. On Wednesday I had exploration pack two which talked about how Europeans saw the Chinese during World War One and how much different they were from the Westerners. The Chinese were hard-working, and a quote from Strangers on the Western Front “Many…

Got any book recommendations?
